Being a Governess in Russia

Being a Governess in Russia

If you are thinking about applying for a Governess/Governor/Nanny/Manny position in Russia but are unsure then read on. Hopefully I can convince you it’s worth doing.

Ten Lifehacks for Parenting

Ten Lifehacks for Parenting

Regardless how many children we have, the job never gets easier. It’s a role we embrace, but it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make it easier when possible.

English kindergarten teacher in Moscow

English kindergarten teacher in Moscow

What’s it like being an English kindergarten teacher in Moscow? Here we have a first hand account from a British teacher working with Russian children.

Nannying abroad

Nannying abroad

Nannying abroad your next step? Read here about how one nanny/governess went to Moscow to teach English as a second language.

Activities in Moscow this summer

Looking for fun activities to do in Moscow this summer whilst travelling and enjoying your holidays? A list of favourites by Moscow’s expat nanny community.

Governess in Moscow

Governess in Moscow

Governess in Moscow? Is this the next path in your Governess career. Here’s an example of a real experience and what it’s really like to live in Moscow!